The Amish Ways Academy

The Amish Ways Academy

I Saved One of the Last Spots for You + 4 Free Gifts!

I Saved One of the Last Spots for You
+ 4 Free Gifts!

When it comes down to it, the only knowledge that really matters is how to purify water, how to grow your own food and preserve it, how to heat and cool your house, and how to make remedies.

We're no longer taught any of that in school. And there is a huge price we will pay for it one day!

Eddie created The Amish Ways Academy so that YOU too can become independent from the grid, supermarkets, and pharmacies, just to name a few.

All the skills you’ll learn in the Academy may one day help you live in a world without electricity, make your own remedies when pharmacies are looted, build your own stockpile with long-lasting foods that don’t require refrigeration, make an electricity-free fridge just like the Amish, learn the secret tool that turns air into fresh water, and many other things that have been lost to history.

And Eddie wants to teach you all these recipes, remedies and projects, just like your grandmother and grandfather would: practically.

The knowledge you gain through practice is unforgettable and stays with you for life.

About Eddie Swartzentruber

Eddie Swartzentruber is a father and a husband, and he’s been working for years to preserve the skills that may one day save us. He grew up in Minnesota's largest Amish settlement.

The Swartzentruber Amish are also one of the most conservative Amish communities left in the United States, where people still follow most of the early teachings.

His parents and nine siblings lived happily, without needing much money. If a major depression, EMP, pandemic, famine or any major crisis hit, his Amish family would hardly be affected.

The Swartzentruber Amish forbid electricity, plumbing, pneumatic tools, bikes, and Velcro, so he had to manage without modern conveniences— a skill that proved invaluable later on.

Leaving the community at 17 was hard for him, but thanks to the independence skills he had acquired inside the community, he managed to carve out a life for himself.

With the world rapidly changing, Eddie worries about his family's future and the future of America. He believes tough times are coming for Americans, so he has dedicated his life to preserving the independence skills he learned in the Amish community, as he's convinced they're essential for survival in the uncertain times ahead.

The very skills that allowed him to build a life from nothing are fading from memory as society becomes more reliant on technology and convenience.

Eddie fears that in the next major crisis, many people won’t have the knowledge or resources needed to survive.

Here's Just a Glimpse of What We Will Be Doing Together Inside the Online Video Courses of The Amish Ways Academy:

Here's Just a Glimpse of What We Will Be Doing Together Inside the Online Video Courses of The Amish Ways Academy:

Together with Eddie, you will first head out together in the Amish backyard and you’ll get to see for the first time on camera all the ingenious, crisis-proof techniques they’ve developed.

You can check out these projects from up close and watch Eddie build them from scratch.

Then, you will head into the kitchen, and learn how to make the long-lasting Amish foods and the most powerful Amish remedies that will keep you strong and healthy.

Lastly, Eddie will also reveal to you some of the most important Amish skills that any person should know.

You can complete The Academy at your own pace—in a 3-day marathon, over three weeks, or even a few months—that’s entirely up to your schedule.

Or you can jump straight to the course covering the specific project, recipe or remedy you need right now.

The Amish Ways Academy is accessible to every member of your household.

Once you graduate, you'll receive a beautifully crafted Diploma with your name on it, that certifies you acquired the skills of independence.

How the Amish Can Bread in Mason Jars

You’ll also discover how you can use this method to make one-year shelf-life bread to add to your stockpiles.

The Amish Pain Elixir

I will also show you how to make this powerful remedy. You're going to need a weed that could be growing in your backyard right now. Unfortunately, most people spray it with herbicide because it does tend to take over the garden.

The milky-white sap you get once you break its stem is collected by the Amish and stored in their pantry. I wouldn’t advise taking this before driving or doing any sort of activity that requires your full attention.

The “Secret” Amish Device That Turns Air Into Water

When there isn’t any running water, you won’t be able to go and dig yourself a well in a hurry.

But you can make this no-electricity device that will provide drinking water from the atmosphere for you and your family.

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Ash

and What You Should Do with It Instead

The Amish use it in their garden, and so should you.

For example, you can sprinkle it around the base of your plants just like that. Not only is it a slug and snail deterrent but it’s a powerful fertilizer and natural insecticide that helps you protect your garden without spraying chemicals on your plants.

The Leaf You Should Place in Your Shoe

After walking a while in these, your feet won’t be swollen or aching when you get back home.

These are natural anti-inflammatory insoles that may be growing freely around your house.

If You Find This in Your Backyard,

Burn It Immediately!!!

I want to show you something very important that you’re going to learn in The Amish Ways Academy.

It may look harmless, but it can actually cause a life-crippling condition. Don’t take any chances.

How to Make the “Amish Antibiotic”

When the next crisis hits, pharmacies will run dry or get looted, and antibiotics will simply vanish.

But with the Amish Antibiotic, you’ll always have a powerful remedy on hand for you and your loved ones.

How to Make the Electricity-Free Fridge

This doesn’t need power to keep your food from spoiling.

This is not a root cellar but a real off-grid fridge that will preserve meat, milk, cheese, or temperature-sensitive medicines even when it’s over 100 degrees outside.

In the next blackout, this Amish invention will probably end up saving thousands of lives.

The Amish Probiotic

For this remedy, you will need a cabbage and some sea salt. Scoop up the cabbage core, and fill it with salt just like this; then let it ferment.

Through fermentation, the salt pulls the water out of the cabbage to form brine, which helps protect the kraut. In about a month, you will have a juice that looks like the one you see in this glass.

This right here is probably the best probiotic you can make at home. A good probiotic helps reduce bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and symptoms linked to leaky gut, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn’s disease.

How to Make Lard and Tallow Just Like the Amish

In the Academy, I’m also going to show you how to use each of them to turn just about any food into a long-lasting one.

Why You Should Burn Bay Leaves in Your House

Bay Leaf is a staple in any Amish kitchen. They use a lot in their foods, not just for the taste but also as a preservative. However, not many people know about the medicinal properties of bay leaves.

The way you can reap their full benefits is to burn them in a jar or plate and let the painkilling smoke fill the room.

The Amish In-Ground Greenhouse

In the Academy I will also show you, for the first time ever, an Amish project that has never been caught on camera before in such great detail. With this on your property, you can grow food year-round.

This unique setup keeps your plants warm in winter and prevents them from wilting in the scorching summer sun.

The 'Superweeds' That May Save Your Life in the Next Crisis

One of them is Purslane, a plant I’m sure you’ve seen before and maybe even uprooted to protect your crops.

Well, I’m sure you will be surprised to find out that calorie for calorie, this so-called “invasive” plant is actually one of the most nutrient-dense foods on Earth.

Anti-Fever Socks

You only need two items for this recipe: a pair of socks and some vinegar. Take the socks, soak them in vinegar, then put them on your feet and sleep in them.

The vinegar helps decrease body temperature while also drawing out the toxins.

How to Make the Amish Cow in a Jar

This is probably the best survival food you can add to your stockpile.

It’s a protein- and nutrient-rich meal that should never be missing from your pantry or stockpile.

What Happens If You Store Eggs in Salt

Not many people still use this old method, which was very popular before the discovery of electricity.

Of course, you can reuse the salt as many times as you want, so basically this preservation method costs you next to nothing.

The Killer Tree You Should Cut Down From Your Property

With roots extending over 50 feet, this tree produces a natural herbicide known as juglone.

If you’re growing tomatoes, potatoes, apples, berries, and other plants that don’t grow properly, then it might be because of this “plant killer” tree.

Why You Should Pour Honey Over Meat

The Amish use honey in almost all aspects of life—as a medicine, in the garden, and as a preservative agent too. Cut the meat into cubes, cook it, and place it in a glass jar.

Pour fresh honey over the meat until it is fully covered. The antibacterial power of honey and its high sugar content will help the meat last way longer at room temperature.

The Amish Rain Barrel Dripline Irrigator

In the Academy, you’ll also discover how to build this project so your garden will stay watered even when you’re not there.

And unlike the automated sprinkler systems you find in stores, this one is 100% electricity free.

How to Make the Amish Migraine Killer

You're going to need feverfew, a plant I am sure you’ve seen growing freely before. The Amish plant it in their gardens because of its anti-inflammatory effects, but you may even find it in your driveway as well.

The way you can tell feverfew and chamomile apart is by their leaves. Feverfew leaves are much wider and resemble parsley, while chamomile’s look more like those of dill.

The Ultimate Amish Survival Food

Not only can this last for five years without refrigeration but it’s so nutritious you can live entirely on this food. You don’t need anything else.

So instead of purchasing expensive, bland, and artificial survival foods that barely contain any real food, wouldn’t you prefer to add this to your stockpile?

The Strange Reason Why

You Should Put Plastic Forks In Your Garden

Believe it or not, it has an extremely practical purpose.

So next time you order takeout and want to throw away the cutlery, do this instead!

Why the Amish Hang Meat Over a Dead Fire

This is a little-known trick that only those that grew up without electricity for generations would know.

The Amish Cough Syrup

This old-fashioned recipe has been used for over three centuries to calm down coughs, soothe sore throats, and ease congestion. It is an easy and inexpensive, five-ingredient syrup that will help you and your family conquer colds all year long.

Just keep it in a cool, dark place, and it may last for over five years.

The 100-Year Old Method to Filter Water in a Barrel

As you can see here, it’s tied to the water collection system. This way you can automatically filter rainwater and store it for later use.

How to Make Fire Water

If you feel like you’re coming down with a cold, this remedy is for you! Boil some water, and then add one teaspoon salt, cayenne pepper, and one-half cup of apple cider vinegar.

Drink one teaspoon of this every hour. Be careful though; they don’t call it fire water for no reason.

The Amish Survival Foods You Need to Grow in Your Backyard

These varieties produce A LOT of food for the small space they occupy.

So if you ever need to survive on what you grow but have just a tiny backyard, these are the plants you can depend on in any crisis.

The Amish Flu Shots

These are not like your traditional flu shots though! All you have to do is combine agar agar flakes and echinacea tea in a small saucepan. Let the mixture soften then heat over medium, stirring constantly, until the agar agar dissolves.

Then you remove it from the heat, stir in apple-carrot juice, pour into molds, and refrigerate the mix until it’s set.

How to Build a Barrel Smokehouse

This is probably the easiest way to have a smokehouse in your backyard without building it from scratch.

Why the Amish Bury Fish Heads Under Their Tomato Plants

Next time you’re cooking fish, don’t throw away the heads. Instead, dig a small hole under the tomato plants and bury them.

You'll get the biggest, tastiest, juiciest tomatoes you've ever had.

The Sedative Plant That Might Be Growing in Your Backyard

This remedy, lost in our modern world, is still used by the Amish as an all-natural sedative.

So next time you pass by this plant, make sure you harvest its leaves to make this potent recipe.

How to Make Egg Jerky

This is probably the most delicious way to preserve eggs for a very long time.

How to Make the Amish Sleeping Pills

The Amish prefer to dry these seven deep-sleep plants, grind them into powder, and add it to capsules like these. So next time you have a hard time falling asleep, just take one Amish sleeping pill 15 minutes before bedtime.

How to Grow Potatoes in Thin Air

This method is perfect if you don’t have too much land as it allows you to have a bigger yield in a smaller space.

The Amish Aspirin

It has creamy white fronds of flowering heads that have a sweet scent with a distinct medicinal tang. This plant contains a form of salicylic acid, the substance aspirin is derived from.

So next time you have a headache, toothache, or something you would take an aspirin for, you can try this natural remedy.

How to Make Yeast for Long-Term Storage

For this one, all you’re going to use is a potato.

This is the traditional starter for the Amish Friendship Bread, but you can use it for pizza, cakes, bread, crackers, rolls, or whatever you want.

How to Install a Hand-Pump in Your Own Backyard

This way, no matter what happens around us, you have a reliable water source on your property independent from the water grid or the pumps that run on electricity.

How to Extract a Natural Anesthetic Gel from Cattails

They often grow near lakes and marshes. There is no part of the cattail that doesn’t get used by the Amish. But maybe the best thing about them is this gel that grows inside their stalks. All you need to do is cut the stalk open with a knife and then squeeze it out using your thumb. If you rub the gel around your gums, it will numb the area temporarily.

Next time you get a ravaging toothache and there’s no dentist around, you’ll be very glad to have a jar of this at home.

4 Life-Changing Gifts for the First 250 Members

Wild Edibles to Forage Around the House

There are so many hidden nutritious plants growing all around us that if you know how to identify and prepare them, you will NEVER run out of food.

So even if supermarkets run dry, as it always happens in a crisis, with this guide, you can always forage your meals—for free!

Power Liberty: The EMP-Resistant Survival Generator

Unless you want to spend $30,000 or more on alternative energy, you won’t be able to power your home in a disaster or in the case of an EMP strike.

However, with the help of this power system you can easily make at home, you can produce enough electricity to recharge power tools, kitchen appliances like a small fridge, lighting, medical devices, a well pump, or even a small cabin.

The EMP-resistant survival generator can save you thousands of dollars you now pay on electricity. You don’t need to know anything about electronics; the instructions are simple enough for a 12-year-old to follow.

Natural Healing Secrets of Our Grandparents

When pharmacies get looted and there’s no more medication left, it’s the remedies of our grandparents that we will turn to. This guide is very easy to use. You just search for the ailment you want to address, pick a remedy from that section, and then follow the recipe. With this guide, you’ll have a complete list of remedies for every part of your body.

I’m sure you’ll also rediscover some of your grandma’s remedies that might have helped you when you were a child.

The Amish Ways Academy Textbook

If you’re among the first people who join the Academy, I have another special surprise that will help you on your journey to self-sufficiency. Today you’ll also receive the Amish Ways Academy Textbook, which is a comprehensive manual detailing everything you’ll learn about in the Academy.

It spans hundreds of pages and is designed to help you follow the videos with written support. It includes high-quality, color pictures and clear instructions for DIY projects, food recipes, and powerful remedies you can make at home. So, if you ever need to revisit a certain project or recipe, you don’t need to retake the class!

You can simply check out the chapter in the Amish Ways Academy Textbook.

Once you secure your spot inside The Amish Ways Academy, you’ll also receive these 3 exclusive gifts worth $29 each together with the Amish Ways Academy Textbook which is worth $37 ($124 in total), completely FREE. These are only available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Amish Ways Academy is NOT a subscription. You pay once and you and your family will have access to it for life, from your mobile phone, your tablet, your laptop or TV. And you can access the online video courses from anywhere in the world.

For a limited time, a limited number of people can take advantage of an additional early-bird discount, and get everything for
just $39. 

Click on the button below to claim this discount before it’s gone.

You Have a Full 60 Days to Try The Amish Ways Academy

I invite you to go through the Academy risk free. Rediscover the skills of independence together with Eddie. If for any reason during the next 60 days you want your money back, even if you absolutely love the academy, we will swiftly refund your entire purchase.

No questions asked.

It’s really that simple, and you won’t even have to return anything. You can keep the bonuses, as a thank you, just for giving the Academy a try.

What You Can Expect as an Apprentice of The Amish Ways Academy

The Amish Ways Academy is the only COMPLETE resource for self-sufficiency. It lays the strongest foundation for someone new to independent living and gently guides you deeper and deeper into the fine details and secrets that even some of the most advanced survivalists don’t know.

These classes can turn basic Amish practices into powerful, life-saving skills.

An Alternative For The Day All Hell Breaks Loose

As a member of the Amish Ways Academy, you’re going to become more self-reliant and better prepared.

Given the recent outbreaks of riots, wars, famines, and the increase in violence, those that don’t know how to live without modern comforts will be abandoned by the very system they’ve been relying on their whole lives.

Cut Down Living Costs

You will also start saving money on bills by cutting down costs little by little every year. The price tags on medications, food, and utilities are all surging.

Learning the skills of independence makes a lot of sense financially, now more than ever. Gathering edible plants and making natural remedies, along with building simple projects like a root cellar, come at little to no cost compared to the high annual expenses of groceries, pills, and utilities.

Toxin-Free Living

The plants you pick from the wilderness or those you grow at home are free from pesticides, chemicals, hormones, and other unknown, dangerous substances that could seriously harm your health. Growing your own food at home means you won't need to spend extra on organic products.

You can trust what you make with your own two hands, and your health might just get better over time.

Save The Lost Knowledge Of Our Grandparents

Once you finish the Academy, you will gain a powerful sense of independence and preserve the legacy of your ancestors.

You will save the skills of your parents and grandparents and get to pass them down to your kids and grandkids.

Become Independent and Live by Your Own Rules

You will finally get to write your own future once you are no longer trapped in a system where Big Tech, Big Pharma, and food corporations decide it for you.

You will get to live by your own rules because you’ve finally decided to take action and cut ties with them. You’ll forever be proud of this decision.

This Moment Could Shape Your Way of Living for Decades to Come

Get access to The Amish Ways Academy in just one minute. You can begin right away if you want, or take your time to look it over, then start it whenever you are ready.

It’s engaging and fun, so you and your family will love it!

Your knowledge is untouchable. It’s the only thing they can’t control and won’t be able to take away from you. It’s your greatest asset. 

You might lose everything, the power grid could fail, the pharmacies and supermarkets might get ransacked and emptied…but with the skills of independence, you can always rebuild everything. 

There’s no skill more important than the one that helps you and your family survive any crisis.

For just $99 dollars (UPDATE: just $39) you can have Eddie as your personal self-sufficiency coach, showing you how to become better prepared for the upcoming crisis.

I really hope you will take advantage of The Amish Ways Academy, but even if you decide otherwise, I want to thank you for reading this message and watching the special video I made for you.

God bless you and your entire family!